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D的必修课.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct and Practice

课程简介 合规 常见问题 现在注册


D的必修课.C. 《澳门赌场官网》是D.C. 上诉法院和D.C. 酒吧 Bylaws for all attorneys newly admitted to the D.C. 为恢复会员资格或改变身份的某些会员.

The 强制性的课程 is offered online, 按需填写的费用为229美元,必须在宣誓就职后的12个月内全部填写完毕. 课程的两次现场演示也与每年两次的课程同步进行, in-person swearing-in ceremonies at the D.C. 上诉法院. 然而,由于全球大流行,目前没有提供现场介绍.


The 强制性的课程 is administered by the D.C. 酒吧’s 继续法律教育 program in accordance with the D.C. 上诉法院澳门赌场官网事务规则(规则II,第2条)及上诉法院澳门赌场官网事务规则.C. 澳门赌场官网公会章程(第三条).

长度: 4个小时

成本: $229

你可能 register for the 强制性的课程 and pay online here or call the CLE Department at 202-626-3488. We take VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and Amex payments.


  • 在线,点播视频演示,具有在各部分之间停止和开始的能力
  • The 强制性的课程 includes closed captions


  • D.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct
  • 公益性服务 Obligations and How to Fulfill Them
  • D.C. Disciplinary System and Regulation of Employee Conduct
  • D.C. 澳门赌场官网行为规范的非纪律项目
  • D.C. Court Practice and Administrative Practice


  • The 强制性的课程 is accredited in all MCLE jurisdictions.
  • 点播:4.0 total CLE credit hours, including 3.0法律伦理学分.
  • 获得CLE学分, 在课程结束时提供的强制性评估中,列出您正在寻求学分的司法管辖区以及相应的条号.


合规 Requirement For 新Admittees

遵守D.C. 上诉法院 规则 Governing the 酒吧, 最近被录取的学生必须在宣誓就职之日起的12个月内完成必修课程. 例如, if a member’s swearing-in date is September 15, 2021, 如果课程在9月30日前完成,他/她将符合规定, 2022.

未在12个月的合规期内完成课程的学员将收到一份不合规通知, 在此之后,他们将有60天的宽限期完成课程,否则将面临行政停职.



  • 自动停止在哥伦比亚特区从事法律工作
  • 行政中止通知已送达哥伦比亚特区法院
  • Must notify clients of suspension
  • Must withdraw representation in any cases filed in the D.C. 法院
  • To reinstate, must pay a reinstatement fee
  • 行政暂停成为会员记录的永久部分
  • During the period of administrative suspension, 在哥伦比亚特区从事澳门赌场官网业务是被禁止的

D.C. 酒吧 does not have the authority to grant extensions or exceptions.


跟踪遵从性, 随机代码将以大字体显示,并在整个必修课程中大声宣布. 参加者将被要求在课程结束时捕获并提供这些代码.

To receive a certificate of completion, you must:

  • Listen to the entire presentation
  • Submit correct codes following the presentation

证书将通过电子邮件发送给您,也可以在您的D中下载.C. 酒吧帐户.

无需进一步操作. 如果您已通过电子邮件收到证书或从您的D.C. 酒吧帐户, you are fully compliant. You do not have to submit a copy to the D.C. 酒吧. Please keep the certificate for your records.

如果你完成了必修课程并提交了所需的代码,但没有收到结业证书, please contact the CLE Department at (电子邮件保护) or call 202-626-3488 to request a certificate.


Who must take the 强制性的课程?


  1. 所有新入职的D.C. 酒吧(活跃和不活跃)
    • 必须在入学后12个月内完成,才符合《澳门赌场官网》
    • 如在入学14个月内未能遵守规定,将被行政停学
  1. Certain Inactive members switching to Active status
    • 持有非活跃状态五年或更长时间,并希望将状态切换为活跃状态
  1. 若干暂停会员
    • Holding a Suspended status for five years or more
  1. Certain Resigned and Retired members
    • 退职或退休五年以上,欲复职者
  1. 司法 members switching to Active status
  1. 任何持有除活跃(非活跃)以外任何组合状态的成员, 司法, 活动/退休, Suspended) for five years or more

如果我没有在截止日期前完成必修课程会发生什么? (不服从)

  • Suspension from practice of law in the District of Columbia
  • 行政暂停通知被发送到哥伦比亚特区法院
  • You must notify your clients of your suspension
  • You must withdraw your representation in any cases filed in the D.C. 法院
  • If you reinstate, you must pay a reinstatement fee
  • 行政停牌将成为您会员记录中永久的一部分
  • During the period of administrative suspension, 在哥伦比亚特区从事澳门赌场官网业务是被禁止的

What is the curriculum of the 强制性的课程?


  • D.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct 
  • District of Columbia System for Regulation of Attorney Conduct 
  • How to Fulfill 公益性服务 Obligations 
  • District of Columbia Court Practice 
  • D.C. 酒吧 Non-Disciplinary Regulatory 项目 
  • District of Columbia Administrative Practice 



根据适用法律, any individual with a disability, 或任何其他个人,如需要根据个人情况提供合理的便利以进入必修课程,可向D .提交书面声明,请求协助.C. 酒吧,ATTN:必修课程住宿,901第四街西北,华盛顿特区20001,或通过电子邮件到 (电子邮件保护). 收到申请的截止日期至少为课程注册前三个工作日.

出于合规目的, 将有随机代码以大字体视觉显示,并大声宣布. 学员必须在课程结束时获取并提供这些代码. We offer closed captioning for hearing impaired members. For more information, please contact the CLE Program by email at (电子邮件保护).

What is the MCLE accreditation of the 强制性的课程?

The on-demand 强制性的课程 has been approved for 4.0 total CLE credit hours, including 3.0法律伦理学分.

The in-person 强制性的课程 has been approved for 5.0 total CLE credit hours, including 3.5法律伦理学分.

请提交您的州澳门赌场官网注册/澳门赌场官网号码,当您访问按需必修课程在您的D.C. 酒吧帐户.
